해밀턴 카운티 결식 아동/청소년을 위한 Tackle Hunger 프로젝트

인디애나폴리스 지역 해밀턴 카운티에 있는 결식 아동을 돕기위한 비영리단체인 Fueled For School을 돕기 위한 프로젝트를 진행합니다.
Tackle Hunger라는 이름으로 진행된 기부 프로젝트인데요, $10을 기부할 때마다 Football 필드에 공을 하나씩 붙여 필드 전체를 채우게 됩니다. 픗볼 하나를 1 야드로 계산하여 100야드, $1000불을 목표로 합니다.
오늘이 opening kickoff day 였는데요, 벌써 저희 베델 교회는 47야드를, FCC는 56야드를 갔습니다. 2월 한 달 동안 진행되는 프로젝트이니 동참하실 분은 알려주세요.
Our project begins Sunday, February 5th, and lasts through February 26th.
Money raised will be donated to Fueled For School to support and provide meals for students when they aren’t in class. Volunteers say this allows their families to focus on other priorities. The non-profit is run by Noblesville teachers and staff who realized there were students in their classes who were not having proper meals at home. Since 2017, Fueled For School has been packing meals to send home to feed these kids throughout the weekend and on school breaks.
Help us march down the football field and score a touchdown to tackle hunger in our schools!
$10 buys a football!
One football = 1 yard!
See Hillary Hughes to buy a football!