베델 크리스천교회 9월 13일 (성령강림 후 제15주) 예배 영상, Sermon Summary (English)

9월 13일 주일예배 영상입니다.

메시지: “몇 번까지 용서해야 합니까? “How many times do I forgive?” (마태복음 18장 21-35절) – 김백희 목사

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Bethel Christian Church – Sunday Sermon (September 13, 2020) 

“How many times do I forgive?” (Matthew 18:21-35) by Baek Hee Kim


  • “Seven” is impressive. But the Lord says, “Seventy times seven.”
    • As a leader of the disciples, Paul has been changed into a role model of the believers. Regarding the theme of “forgiveness,” his approach is quite impressive. “Lord, how many times do I forgive a brother or sister who hurts me? Seven?” According to Jewish tradition and rabbinic sources, one two or three times are enough for one who sins against another. Peter’s approach, “seven,” shows his generous spirit; that is an impressive demonstration.
    • But, Jesus replied. “Seven? Not quite. Try seventy times seven.” Peter would have disappointed by Jesus’ response. But what Jesus meant is like this, “Nice try, Peter. You are moving in the right direction. You just have a long way to go, yet.” (Clayton Schmit, Working Preacher) Yes. Jesus knows, Peter knows, and we all know that forgiving some is a really long way to go. We all have experienced injury or trauma at the hands of another. As Dr. Audrey West notes, “one’s ability to forgive does not always come easily, nor is it necessarily a quick or simple process. Some wounds are so deep, some “debts” so large that human forgiveness is next to impossible.” (Working Preacher)
    • So, it is crucial to make sure that we just have a long to go and we are moving in the right direction
  • Forgiveness as a life-giving action
    • Jesus’ parable has the same point as the section above. Comparison between 10,000 talents and 100 denarii tells human forgiveness is not a measurable/countable action but an incalculable process. A denarius is a small silver coin that was roughly the daily wage for the typical worker. And a talent equals 6,000 denarii. So, 10,000 talents were approximately equal to 164,000 years worth of income. Indeed, it is an incalculable number and debts that one cannot settle. The king in the parable erases 10,000 talents of his servants. But the forgiven servant was unforgiving. He seized his fellow servant who owes 100 denarii and harshly demanded,
      ‘Pay up now!”
    • We can acknowledge that this parable does not talk about the numbers. The parable points out that even 10,000 talents worth of guilt and debt are counted as nothing compared to the new life of the forgiven sinner. However, in the eyes of the sinner 100 denarii are more precious than the life of another human being. Thus, forgiveness depends on what we see and what we value: the life beyond number or the number beyond the life.
  • One of the most important ways to open the future of peace and unity
    • What if there is no forgiveness in our lives? Human beings always hurt one another and got small and large wounds. What would happen to the world if there is no forgiveness, but only retaliation, indifference, and rudeness? Only wounds, evils, and violence continue to escalate. What would be the end of our society, family, and our church community?
    • Forgiveness may be one of the most important ways to open the future of peace and unity for our community; and all the relationships I belong to. It may be the only way that keeps us from being consumed by hate and evil.
    • Yes, forgiveness is not a week-long project. It may be a long and challenging process, probably next to impossible. We will ask again, “How many times do I forgive?” Then, Jesus would reply, “You are on the right track. You are moving in the right direction. You just have a long way to go, yet. Be courageous.”